
Sept-Illes, idiot doctors and uranium mining.

The doctors of Sept-Iles, a city of 25,000 or so, have threatened to quit if uranium mining is permitted at a nearby uranium source.

I ask a simple question: Given that Sept-Iles has a death rate of approx. 34 people per year due to cigarette smoking[1], why haven't these concerned doctors resigned over the fact that tobacco is sold all around the Sept-Iles area?

[1]ref: http://www.smoke-free.ca/health/pscissues_health.htm
45,000 Canadians per year die from smoking related causes - with Sept-Iles' population, that works out to approx. 34 people per year.


CBC: please release "The National Dream" and "The Last Spike"

I recall Mr. Broscomb at Elmwood Elementary sending notes home with us to our parents to make sure we were allowed to stay up and watch The National Dream, the dramatization of Pierre Burton's popular historical treatment.

It was well presented and only had one brief commercial interruption (Bank of Montreal).

CBC: please release "The National Dream" and "The Last Spike" on DVD.