Bank of Montreal cash grab on mortgages
Kafka meets RBC insurance
Deepest known vaccuum: Trudeau airport sucks
I want to pay 33% on my mutual funds...
Immigrant Accommodation - Immigrant first.
Chiefly among the things that immigrants should have to agree to, in writing, in their mother tongue before being accorded any right to live here, is:
-They must read (or have read to them) the complete Charter of Rights (Canada and Quebec), (in their own language if necessary) and sign a form saying they have read it (or had it read to them in their language) and understood it and understand that it applies to them and to their behavior with respect to the rest of their own family.
-agree to and commit to respect that the law here has precedence over the laws of the country they left, most especially laws enshrined in religion or in the traditions of where they left.
-that the above is perhaps much more protective of women's and children's rights than where they came from needs to be clearly understood.
-that the cost and effort of "preserving their original culture and heritage" is their own to bear and that no person, organization, company or government entity at any level is obliged, nor can be compelled to help them in these pursuits.
-that if they are not content to live by the law here, they are very welcome to exercise their absolutely unimpeded right to leave, including a return to wherever it was that they came from.
-that if they or their immigrating children are found guilty of committing a crime in the 5 years after they arrive, then they are collectively exposed to immediate expulsion to their country of origin regardless of "refugee" claims.
-that they must, at their own cost, all take French and optionally English lessons until reaching a functional reading, writing and oral proficiency allowing them to function autonomously within 2 years of their arrival. Failing which, they will be fined some amount monthly until reaching that level.
If they can't wholeheartedly agree to the above then please have great luck in finding somewhere else to live or in returning home. Next!
The above may sound unfair, tough and impractical, but the consequences over the long term are worse. I would guess that at least 75% of immigrants probably adapt well and willingly.
But they're not the ones who cause any issues or problems after they arrive.
Bell Canada's last bill
US Strategic Oil Reserve - Idiotic Senators and House members
Canada in Afghanistan - stop the puffing
Afghanis have been the serfs of local warlords for millennia. Their hearts and minds are connected directly to their stomach and living for another day.
Canada and allies could build them anything required to cover basic needs, help them with water, farming, education, light industry, commerce and local government.
And a month after Canada and allies leave it will all fall to pieces again. Whatever of value is built up will be plundered or destroyed because the people of Afghanistan do not have the desire or courage as citizens to take and hold their own country.
The tribal mentality of these people is burned-in in a way that would take at least 3 generations to fade. To expect them to convert to a western democracy within 10 years or 20 is foolhardy, wasteful and dangerous.
The real mission in Afghanistan is only to find, arrest or kill Al Queda and then leave. The fate of Afghans is for Afghans to determine. And if they are not determined to take and hold their own government and to hold it against religious or tribal fanatics, then they do not deserve the fruit.
Canadian and allied countries should be burning the poppy fields that fund the Taliban and Al Queda. Every dollar earned for heroin and opium is a dollar being used to kill Canadian and allied soldiers. Put our underemployed CF-118's to work: napalm the poppy fields.
Al Queda is hiding in Pakistan. We need the Pakistanis to step up as well as allow Canadian, American and other allied troops to hunt there. And if they won't do that, they are not allies.
The Canadian military has done us extremely proud in their Afghani mission. The first time that Canadian soldiers have been engaged so hard, so deep, so long and so tough in combat since Korea. Some have paid the ultimate price and their families continue to pay the price.
It is sickening not because soldiers make sacrifices, but that they are doing it for the wrong ends. The goal is Al Queda. NOTHING ELSE.
And if the "average" Afghani won't fight for his own country why should Canadian soldiers?
Some will reply that the Afghan military is being trained and becoming effective in fighting its own battles with the Taliban and Al Queda. I've yet to see anything resembling concrete proof. (A little hint here: CDN or US military press officers are not purveyors of concrete proof).
Toyota Canada's despicable pricing practices
Hydro-Quebec policy stunts home alternate energy
Hydro-Quebec needs to do more for customers and itself
- A two-rate tarrif based on average daily consumption. This is aimed at the home with electric heating only. Below 30 kW-h / day, one rate, and for every kW-h/day (on a 2 month average) above that, a higher rate applies. (about 1 cent difference)
- For people with gas, oil or other non grid heating systems that use far less electricity. If the temperature is above -12 degrees, then a fairly low rate applies, and when the temperature is below -12 degrees, then a much higher rate (around 16 c per kW-h) applies. (A temperature sensor on the electric meter switches in the higher rate at lower temperatures).
- Implement time of day metering and billing rates
- Provide a cash incentive for existing oil, gas and electric furnaces to be replaced with thermal storage systems.
Finally! 100% satisfaction with Bell Canada
- $5.95 for "network access" - very creative, Bell.
- $ .19 for 911
- $ .47 for 911 (municipal charge)
- $2.80 for "touch tone" service - 1970 says "Hello"
- $19.28 for a residential line.
- The $5.95 is a simple money grab. I guess Bell copies this from the cell phone world. Frankly I just don't get this one and my only basis to complain about it is that it was never there before...
- The $2.80 for touch-tone services is an insulting profit pad. The days of mechanically switched dialing are long, long, long in the past. The equipment today is the same whether rotary dialed or tone. Bell should be ashamed of themselves for this petty thievery. How many people have rotary phones today? Bell has 13 M landline subscribers pretty much all using touch tone, so this equates to a stunning $500 M per year in profit for something that does not cost any more to operate than 'old' rotary dials.
Social lending in Canada - Cut out the middleman
I have been impatiently waiting for a peer to peer lending service in Canada that will provide person to person lending across Canada. Such services exist in the US, notably www.prosper.com which has many borrowers and lenders.
CBC "expert" and misleading reporting
The CBC had an expert weigh in on the death of a child last week that was due to a poorly handled 911 emergency call over Voice over IP (VOIP). The CBC article stated:
Calls made with VoIP cannot be automatically tracked because there is no physical address linked to the digital signal. As a result, call centre operators must manually reroute the calls to local 911 operators.
Voice over cable. Bye-bye Bell Canada.
(Originally posted 2008.05.04)
With bated breath I await Tuesday the appearance of the Videotron man to install my telephone over cable system. An early adopter of cable modem for the internet and generally pleased with Videotron (generally does not mean perfectly), I finally called them up for the telephone bit.
The Secret. Where credit is due.
Fooled ya. This is really about personal financial habits.
Quebec Anglo
Dear friends,