A recent CBC article lauds the Canadian military for re-building housing for Afghan military families in Afghanistan.
Afghanis have been the serfs of local warlords for millennia. Their hearts and minds are connected directly to their stomach and living for another day.
Canada and allies could build them anything required to cover basic needs, help them with water, farming, education, light industry, commerce and local government.
And a month after Canada and allies leave it will all fall to pieces again. Whatever of value is built up will be plundered or destroyed because the people of Afghanistan do not have the desire or courage as citizens to take and hold their own country.
The tribal mentality of these people is burned-in in a way that would take at least 3 generations to fade. To expect them to convert to a western democracy within 10 years or 20 is foolhardy, wasteful and dangerous.
The real mission in Afghanistan is only to find, arrest or kill Al Queda and then leave. The fate of Afghans is for Afghans to determine. And if they are not determined to take and hold their own government and to hold it against religious or tribal fanatics, then they do not deserve the fruit.
Canadian and allied countries should be burning the poppy fields that fund the Taliban and Al Queda. Every dollar earned for heroin and opium is a dollar being used to kill Canadian and allied soldiers. Put our underemployed CF-118's to work: napalm the poppy fields.
Al Queda is hiding in Pakistan. We need the Pakistanis to step up as well as allow Canadian, American and other allied troops to hunt there. And if they won't do that, they are not allies.
The Canadian military has done us extremely proud in their Afghani mission. The first time that Canadian soldiers have been engaged so hard, so deep, so long and so tough in combat since Korea. Some have paid the ultimate price and their families continue to pay the price.
It is sickening not because soldiers make sacrifices, but that they are doing it for the wrong ends. The goal is Al Queda. NOTHING ELSE.
And if the "average" Afghani won't fight for his own country why should Canadian soldiers?
Some will reply that the Afghan military is being trained and becoming effective in fighting its own battles with the Taliban and Al Queda. I've yet to see anything resembling concrete proof. (A little hint here: CDN or US military press officers are not purveyors of concrete proof).
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