Chiefly among the things that immigrants should have to agree to, in writing, in their mother tongue before being accorded any right to live here, is:
-They must read (or have read to them) the complete Charter of Rights (Canada and Quebec), (in their own language if necessary) and sign a form saying they have read it (or had it read to them in their language) and understood it and understand that it applies to them and to their behavior with respect to the rest of their own family.
-agree to and commit to respect that the law here has precedence over the laws of the country they left, most especially laws enshrined in religion or in the traditions of where they left.
-that the above is perhaps much more protective of women's and children's rights than where they came from needs to be clearly understood.
-that the cost and effort of "preserving their original culture and heritage" is their own to bear and that no person, organization, company or government entity at any level is obliged, nor can be compelled to help them in these pursuits.
-that if they are not content to live by the law here, they are very welcome to exercise their absolutely unimpeded right to leave, including a return to wherever it was that they came from.
-that if they or their immigrating children are found guilty of committing a crime in the 5 years after they arrive, then they are collectively exposed to immediate expulsion to their country of origin regardless of "refugee" claims.
-that they must, at their own cost, all take French and optionally English lessons until reaching a functional reading, writing and oral proficiency allowing them to function autonomously within 2 years of their arrival. Failing which, they will be fined some amount monthly until reaching that level.
If they can't wholeheartedly agree to the above then please have great luck in finding somewhere else to live or in returning home. Next!
The above may sound unfair, tough and impractical, but the consequences over the long term are worse. I would guess that at least 75% of immigrants probably adapt well and willingly.
But they're not the ones who cause any issues or problems after they arrive.