
Hydro-Quebec policy stunts home alternate energy

I had heard recently that Hydro-Quebec would allow home owners who generate their own power to 'sell' the excess to Hydro-Quebec in the same manner that so many American utilities have been practicing, some for over a decade.

In fact, what Hydro-Quebec really offers is a 'trade'.  If you provide so many kW-h to Hydro Quebec, then you can draw them back when needed at no charge.  So if you generate 50 kW-h per day and only use 40, then you have a 10 kW-h "credit".  This is all fine and dandy if your average consumption outpaces your average power generation.

But what if you generate more that you use?

While solar might not get Quebecers into this regime, wind and micro hydro might.

For serious transformation to take place, HQ will need to credit, in cash, for excess beyond need generation of hydro power.

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